Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bimbos and Tanning Salons

You know what I've realized? Tanning salons are the perfect place to find bimbos.

Let me explain. First of all, I work at a fast food restaurant across the street from a tanning salon, and thus, the people who work there come over fairly often (and order some kind of ultra-specific, contrived 'healthy' thing that one should not find naturally occurring in a fast food place, just because we give them a discount).

I've come to notice that pretty much every girl working there is more or less the same (they're the kind of people that stand out in a hamburger place, even from my perspective, and for me it's gotten to the point that 90% of customers who can't keep their fat asses out of there all just look like Jabba the Hutt), and they share their appearance with practically everyone I see go in there: bimbos.

And it actually makes sense. Tanning is one of the most indulgent cosmetic practices there is. Fancy clothes? Well, you need clothes, why not. Makeup? You can fit it into a morning routine, just like shaving, cutting your nails, and picking zits out of your nose. Hairstyling? If you want to give an evil old lady a ride into your tower at the expense of your scalp, be my guest, but otherwise you gotta get it cut anyway. But tanning? You're taking time out of your waking life to sit naked in an oven for something you could just wait a few months and get by being outside for any extended period of time? Sorry, but biiiiiiiiimmboooooooooo....

Furthermore, you aren't going to see many apparent brunettes going in there, unless you count their roots, but they don't want you to notice, and we want them to feel god about themselves so shhhhhhhh. Not only do tanners tend to go for the blonde beach bunny look, via hairspray or maybe the tanning oven just singes their hair blonde, I don't know, but also the tanning demographic tends to encompass the fair skinned, and therefore fair headed, far more than people who are melanin-inclined.

Anyway, just an observation.

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